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Practice of Structural Integration

RE+ BALANCE is a practice space of
Structural Integration (SI) and Rolfing®
located in Sapporo.

Basic plan of SI (Rolfing®️) session

Structural Integration (SI) and Rolfing®︎ are not just about improving the adaptability of the mind and body, but also resolving disorders, and a process of embodying an individual's undiscovered potential and maturity.


SI and Rolfing®︎ focus on the largest organ in the human body - the interstitium (fascial structure).


The interstitium is essentially "a layered, mesh-like protein structure throughout the body that supports the space in which all organs function" and "watches over the mind and body from within."


Through10-session series, the interstitium recovers from dehydration caused by uneven tension, the direction of movement is not held anymore and the body becomes supported better by the layered structure.


Basic 10-session series

+ 2 sessions

12,500 yen/session  Total 12 sessions

This is a series of 10 sessions that aproaches body structures
from the surface to the deeper structures, restores functions
and integrates them at the same time.


The trial session will be Session 1 (Restoring respiratory function).
Each session takes approximately 1 hour and is conducted individually
in a private room.


Post 10

16,500 yen/session

There are two types of sessions after 10 session series

1 session: Develop balance and refresh structure as for tune-up.

3-session series: Restructure in 3 sessions when you like to tune structure in align after you experience some kind of trauma or event.


Advanced 5-series

16,500 yen/session

This is a series of 5 sessions that uses special postures and movements to create new functions after the Basic 10 series and Post 10 series.
This is a session that asks you some challenges.


Online Session


This is useful for the initial consultation or sessions from distance.


It is a self-hands-on session in which the practitioner guides the position
and movement of your hands, and you place your own hands on
a part of your body.


You will experience changes in the movement, sensation, posture,
mood and etc. during or after the session.


The session will follow the concepts of SI and Rolfing®︎.


Experiences of SI and Rolfing® at RE+ Balance

Here are some testimonials from clients


RE+ Balance offers a refreshing space and time for you, a body will see itself having the steady core through a series of session which has the sequence and process to make body gets developed. "SI and Rolfing ®︎ focus on relationships with gravitational energy rather than treatment, gravitational energy is the effective and supportive for our system, once the body structure developed and organized the relationship with gravity, the relationship will restore your system. Mind and body come to have a confidence and a relief that  I am good as I am"


Welcome to RE+ Balance

RE+ Balance is a practice space of Structural Integration (SI) and Rolfing® which provides experiences for organizing, learning and regaining the new physical balance with gravity that a person needs at that time. ​


SI and Rolfing® are representative alternative medicines.

As a series of processes to reintegrate the body structure, it was found by American biochemist Dr. Ida P. Rolf.


In the series of 10 sessions, the membrane structure (interstitium) of the entire body is reconstructed to be in balance with gravitational energy. ​


The process of the Basic 10 sessions is  an experience that dynamic changes the relationship between your mind, body and gravity.

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